Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Letting Go

10 Questions for Ron Howard,9171,1864441,00.html

What was the most difficult part about making the transition from actor to director? Matthew Peterson HOT SPRINGS, ARK.

For me it was learning to not control everything. When you're directing, of course, you're supervising everything, but if you don't trust the artists you're collaborating with, you wind up tying one of their hands behind their back. My work got much, much better when I learned to let go a little bit.

I read this in the waiting room of the Oncology Radiation department of a local hospital, waiting for a friend to complete the latest treatment. The cancer, which seemed to be getting under control, actually had spread. And that brought us to Oncology Radiation.

The cancer announced its new assault by causing a seizure. Because of that seizure, my friend no longer can drive. And all the fragile fragments of normality that have provided comfort since the original diagnosis have been blown away like leaves in a brisk autumn wind.

Child actor-turned-award-winning director Ron Howard was talking about transitions and the benefits of letting go. My friend’s transitions are not by choice. Yet, each day is filled with the learning of letting go, and living in the moment of each day’s challenge.

No matter what we think we control, it always comes back to the hand we’re dealt, and how we choose to play those cards. That’s all we control, and that has more power than we know.

1 comment:

Karen Malone Wright said...

Nicely written, and hugs to your friend and you too, who are so clearly sharing her pain. I was struck that during my mother's bout w/cancer, she talk a lot about 'the cards you're dealt.' So now that analogy always makes me sad.