Friday, August 14, 2009

Begin Again

Oh boy.

I was afraid to see how long it had been since I'd posted to this blog.


I'd think about writing something to explain my absence, but then it would seem lame and I was busy, so I let it go.

The truth is a little more complicated, but not by much.

I had a lot of work. A LOT. Which, in these challenging times, is a good thing.

I would get up early and stay up late into the tonight to balance my projects. I found that burning the candle at both ends gets much more exhausting as I get older.

I also reaffirmed that I can tolerate almost anything (almost!) as long as I know it is finite.

I could reach for a number of profound metaphors from that statement, but I'll let it lay as it is for know.

Another truth is that at some point, I made a choice to let the blogging go for the short run. I recognized I had a finite amount of energy to get through this period, and something had to go. Something turned out to be Present Perfect Coach.

It's likely that I might have found a way to do my blogging. For a variety of reasons, the best plan for me was to give myself permission to let it go for the short term.

So now the big projects are over, and I'm about to launch another big project; one that's much closer to my heart.

I'm taking my baby girl back to college tomorrow. We'll head off early in the morning.

The faithful reader may realize that this is my daughter's sophomore year at college, so it's not the first time she's left the nest.

Yet, this journey does mark a new beginning for her. She's entering a new university in a new state, in a different part of the country.

I am enormously proud of her, for so many reasons. She assessed her freshman college situation, and realized "you only get one chance to do undergrad. I think I can do it better." On her own, she researched her options, made her applications and successfully transferred to another school.

Because this is my kid, I'd like to think I've provided her with the tools and the foundation to know she had options, and to have the courage to try something new. And to learn from less-than-perfect experiences.

Both of us learned that we can begin again.

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