Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Play the Game You Know"

I am not a big sports fan, but I have enough sports fans in my life so that I can fake a certain amount of knowledge when major sporting events come up. And I can match a respectable amount of sports "smack" for my beloved Cleveland professional sports teams.

(And no, we cannot talk about the NBA. Not now. There's a large reserve of resilience that's required to be a Cleveland sports fans, but I can't talk about it now).

Anyway. Although I can negotiate my way around sports talk, I usually grow weary pretty quickly of all the sports metaphors that people regularly apply to conversations about politics, corporate competition and other parts of life. So please appreciate what Peter Bregman had to go through to reach me with his article for the Harvard Business website. Basically, Bregman says that if you're not making progress, maybe you need to change the rules of the game:

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