Monday, April 19, 2010

Try A Different View

As we enjoy the colors of spring (despite the wild temperature swings), a friend was lamenting the return of a persistent cold that she thought she had beat.

Her throat was scratchy, her nose dripped and she maintained a dull ached above her eyes. All of her favor cold remedies were failing her.

I sympathized with her discomfort, since I was suffering with my reaction to the record levels of pollen floating through the air. I have had spring time allergies all of my life, and living in the Washington area only has made them worse.

"My eye are so irritated," I told her, "that I wish I could take them out of my head and rinse them off."

"Really?" she said. "That's exactly how my eyes feel! I never even considered allergies!"

Long story short -- my friend went over the her pharmacy, loaded up on antihistamines and eye drops, and found relief.

Sometimes it's just a word, a quick view from another perspective, that offers a solution.

Enjoy the spring, and don't be allergic to change.

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